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Practice Areas



Our appraisers have assisted scores of lending institutions with the underwriting of new commercial real estate loans, loan renewals,  loan modifcations, and REO (pre-foreclosure, foreclosure, and asset disposition) transactions. Our appraisers have a thorough understanding of the many rules, regulations, and policies of the FIRREA, USPAP, and other requirements lending institutions must adhere to in this highly controlled environment.     




​The rights of eminent domain of an acquiring government are very powerful and can often lead to the dimunition in value of the property being acquired. While the property owner is entitled to fair compensation, and in many cases damages, quite often this does not occur.  This is particularly true given today's economic conditions with government officials doing whatever they can to minimize acquisition costs of a property being acquired.  We can assist  with this process to ensure that the decisions made result in fair and reasonable compensation for the property being acquired.      


Estate Planning


A critical component to the settlement of any estate that includes real estate is the valuation of the property as of the date of death of the owner, partner, LLC member, corporate shareholder, etc.  A well supported  appraisal is also often important to the estate planning process.  We have provided this service to a number of area attorneys and CPAs and/or their clients.  



We maintain an extensive propiertary database of market related information that includes area sales and leasing activity, income and operating expense data, construction cost data, investment criteria, and area market trends.  In addition, we subscribe to CoStar, the nation's  leading provider of detailed property sales and listing information, market segment reports and surveys, and analytical and demographic tools and statistics.  With these resources, our appraisers are able to develop thorough research and comprehensive analyses.     

Due Diligence


Our firm members are prepared to assist in the evaluation of a property whether it is being considered for acquisition or disposition.  We have the ability to perform cash flow analyses of past and future performance and can assess the physical and legal characteristics of a property enabling informed and prudent decision making.    



Property Tax Appeal

​While the ad-valorem assessment of a property is designed to be fair and equitable, frequently, this is not the case.  A thoroughly researched analysis and well-documented appraisal report can often result in significant real estate tax savings.  We are knowledgeable of the process and can help to acheive a succesful property tax appeal with the results being significant savings to the property owner(s).   

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